Mozambican president guarantees electricity for everyone by 2030
The President of Mozambique has given assurances that all Mozambicans will have access to electricity within 10 years under the “Energy for All” programme, while he was speaking on Monday in Namialo, Meconta district, Nampula province.
Filipe Nyusi said that “Energy for All” is a programme that aims to ensure universal access to electricity over a 10-year period, “which the government is implementing for all consumers to have access to by 2030.”
The Head of State was addressing people after Namialo inaugurated an electricity substation, which will supply the northern region of the country, according to Mozambican newspaper Notícias.
The new substation that supplies power to Nampula and Cabo Delgado provinces is 110-33 KV, with a 40 MVA high-voltage transformer and an 80-kilometre medium-voltage line, and cost US$19 million project funded by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and built by the Mitsubishi Corporation.
The project also includes the construction of three kilometres of 110 KV high voltage power line and three pylons to connect to existing lines and includes the installation of three low voltage power stations for 200 domestic and commercial consumers.
— Macauhub